* Stretching exercises are not included in this list!

Muscle-Building Exercise Library

Lateral Raise Lateral Raise, Single-Arm, Standing Jackknife On Exercise Ball, One-Legged Arm Circle, Lying Swings with Kettlebell Pullover With Barbell Lateral Raise On Incline Bench Bent Over Row With Barbell, Underhand Grip Lunge With Barbell Biceps Curl On Incline Bench Pendlay Row Cross-Body Hammer Curl Leg Curl With Dumbbell Calf Raise With Barbell, Standing Preacher Curl On Exercise Ball Thruster With Barbell Inverted Row Between Chairs Shoulder Press With Barbell, Standing / Military Press Bent Over Row With Barbell, Overhand Grip Horizontal Fly Front Raise With Dumbbells, Single-Arm
Overhead Squat Calf Raise With Barbell, Seated Leg Raise With Exercise Ball Lumberjack Press Deadlift With Barbell Reverse Sliding Lunge External Rotation With Dumbbell, Lying Pullover With Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Fly, Seated Arnold Press Bent Over Row With Dumbbells Wrist Curl With Dumbbells, Overhand Grip, Seated Breaststroke With Dumbbells Overhead Band Pull Apart Bradford Press L-Seat Rolling Triceps Extension Hammer Curl Scott Curl With Dumbbell, Single-Arm Decline Bench Press With Dumbbells Prone Biceps-Curl / Spider Curl Incline Bench Press Squat With Barbell Bent Arm Pullover With Dumbbell External Rotation With Dumbbell, Seated Bench Press Lateral Biceps-Curl Deadlift, Snatch Grip Lateral Raise With Resistance Band Push-up Rollout With Dumbbells Leg Extension With Partner Hyperextension On Bench Biceps-Curl With Dumbbells Fly Side Bridge Farmer’s Walk Deadlift With Dumbbells Shoulder Press With Dumbbells, Standing Side Step-up Front Squat With Barbell Calf Raise, Lying Shoulder Press With Partner Drag Curl With EZ Bar Row In Static Squat-Position Zottman Curl T-Bar Row Floor Flys With Dumbbells Biceps-Curl With Dumbbells, Overhand Grip Triceps Extension / French Press, Underhand Grip Biceps-Curl With EZ Bar, Underhand Grip Kroc Row Sumo Squat Hip Abduction, Standing In and outs / Knee Tuck Pistol Squat Hip Adduction, Lying Straight Arm Pullback With Dumbbell Curl And Press Bent Over Row With Core Twist And Dumbbell, Single-Arm Lunge With Dumbbells Shrugs With Barbell Lateral L Raise With Rotation Crush Press / Squeeze Press Landmine Press, Half-Kneeling Kayaking Reverse Hyperextension With Exercise Ball Stirring The Pot With Exercise Ball Swing With Dumbbell, Single-Arm Shoulder Press With Dumbbells, Hammer Grip, Seated Incline Bench Row Upright Row Bent Over Twist With Broomstick Wrist Curl With Dumbbells, Underhand Grip, Seated Close Grip Bench Press Plank With Hip Twists Triceps Extension / French Press, Overhand Grip Shrug With Dumbbells Glute Bridge With Adductor Press Dragon Flag Kneeling Squat Rotating Bicep Curl Zercher Squat Front Raise With Dumbbells Jump Rope Side Leg Raise, Standing Slingshot With Kettlebell Meadow Row Push Press Cushion Squeeze Reverse Fly, Kneeling Bent Over Reverse Fly, Single-Arm, Standing Wall Glute Bridge, One-Legged Thruster With Dumbbells Biceps-Curl, Lying Concentration Curl Reverse Fly On Incline Bench Sit Outs Push-up Hold With Towel Deck Squat Door Pull-up Incline Bench Press With Dumbbells Triceps Kickback On Bench Reverse Lunge Plank With Leg Sweep / Rotational Mountain Climber Sliding Towel Pike Gironda Sternum Chin-up Upright Row With Dumbbells Decline Push-up Dips On The Floor Chin-up Floor Press Sliding Push-up Static Runner Snatch With Dumbbell Forward Sliding Push-up Triceps Extension, Seated, Single-Arm Scorpion Push-up Side Plank With Rotation Dips With Chair, Bent Legs Side Star Plank Row With Dumbbell, Leaning Diagonal Crunch Duck Unders Crunch With Lifted Legs Donkey Whips Spiderman Crunch Seated Twist / Saw Straight Arm Plank With Alternating Arm And Leg Raise Pull-up Sumo Squat With Barbell Squat At The Wall With Exercise Ball Front Raise With EZ Bar Figure Of Eight With Kettlebell Bulgarian Split Squat Deadlift, One-Legged Rollout On Knees Goblet Squat Shoulder Hold With Towel Triceps Kickback, Double-Handed Sliding Leg Curl Russian Twist With Weight Overhead Side Bend / Saxon Side Bend Wrist Rotation Inverted Row With Partner Bent Over Reverse Fly, Standing Leg Curl With Dumbbell On Table Squat At The Wall With Exercise Ball And Dumbbells Incline Flys With Dumbbells Shoulder Press With Dumbbells, seated Shoulder Press With Dumbbells On Exercise Ball Iron Cross / Kettlebell Crucifix Alternating Dumbbell Swings Lat Pulldown With Towel Triceps Extension With Dumbbell, Standing, Two-handed Bench Press With Dumbbells Lat Press On The Floor, Lying Russian Twist Half Sit-up 180 Jump Squat Push Back Push-up Leg Raise, Lying Frog Sit-Up / Butterfly Crunch Tuck Hold Bent Over Balance Row, Double-Handed Cross-Body Shoulder Raise, side lying Push-up On Exercise Ball Side Mountain Climbers Sumo Squat With Dumbbell Shoulder Tap Push-up Double Crunch Side Bend With Dumbbell Triceps Extension With Dumbbells, Lying Uneven Push-up Exercise Ball Rollout On Knees Rolling Glute Bridge With Exercise Ball Row On Exercise Ball With Dumbbells Calf Raise, One-Legged, Standing 21s / 3-Part Curl Prisoner Squat Box Jump Door Row Glute Bridge With Thigh Squeeze Straight Arm Plank With Side Hip Abduction Toe Raise Squat With Dumbbells Floor Press With Dumbbells Side Bend With Broomstick T Push-up Hip Raise / Pulse Up Hip Thrust With Barbell Diamond Push-up Triceps Extension Push-up / Sphinx Push-up Reverse Plank Between Two Chairs Curtsy Lunge Jump, One-Legged Bent Over Balance Touch, One-Legged Saw Plank Cliffhanger Sliding Alligator Crawl Dips Between Chairs - alternatively Leg Curl, Standing Glute Bridge With Chair Halo / Around The World With Kettlebell Crunch On Exercise Ball Lunge On Tiptoes With Dumbbells Slide Into Reverse Plank Bent Over Shrug Inverted Table Row With Broomstick, Overhand Grip Wrist Curl With Barbell, Overhand Grip, Seated Wrist Curl With Barbell, Underhand Grip, Seated Row With Towel, Seated Hyperextension With Exercise Ball Floor Pullover With Kettlebell Monster Walk Bicycle Jogging Jackknife Push-up Wall Sit Kneeling On Exercise Ball High Pulls Chin-up With Towel Globe Jumps Kneeling Jumps / Ninja Jumps Plank To Push-up Side-to-Side Bench Jumps Plank Dead Bugs Hand Release Push-up Plank Jumping Jacks Toe Touch Crunch Decline Wall Push-up Superman / Superwoman Romanian Deadlift Biceps-Curl With Front Raise Sliding Straight Arm Jackknife Plank Glute-Ham Raise On The Floor / Russian Leg Curl Biceps-Curl With EZ Bar, Overhand Grip Batwing Row Leg Extension With Dumbbell, Seated Maltese Plank Star Jump Crunch Staggered Push-up Isometric Chest Squeeze Isometric Hip Flexion Plank Walk-out / Inchworm Renegade Row With Towel Cross-Body Triceps Extension Crab Walk Wood-Chop With Dumbbell Triceps Extension Push-up With Chair Suitcase Deadlift Bent Over Balance Row With Support, Single-Arm Push And Pull With Towel Calf Raise, Standing Leg Raise On Decline Bench Broad Jump / Standing Long Jump Crab Kick Bear Crawl T-Bar Row, Single-Arm Good-morning Hanging Leg Raise Front Raise With Self-Resistance Straight Arm Glute Bridge Modified V-Sit Jogging / Running In Place Prone Cobra Reverse Plank Serratus Push-up Straight Arm Plank Push-up On Knees Lunge Skier Swings Toe Taps / Box Jump March Russian Twist With Barbell Jump Squat Plank With Leg Raise Thigh Press, Seated Burpee Scissor Kick Leg Curl With Exercise Ball Shoulder Blade Squeeze Straight Arm Plank With Hip Extension Thigh Pull, Seated Side Plank High Knees in Place Wrestler Squat Tuck Jumps Turkish Get-up Frog Squat Biceps-Curl With Leg Resistance Renegade Row Lower Body Russian Twist / Windshield Wiper Squat Scissor Jumps Swimming / Aquaman Pop Squat Quadriceps Press Heel Beats Leg Extension, Standing Glute Bridge Leaning Camel Squat At The Wall With Exercise Ball, One-Legged Close Grip Biceps-Curl Dips Between Two Chairs Front Raise With Twist Twist With Broomstick Side Lunge With Dumbbells Vertical Internal Rotation With Dumbbell, Lying Walk-out With Exercise Ball Leg Squat Through Ring Neider Press Lateral Raise With Partner Tate Press Towel Wringing Lateral Leg Raise Sliding Leg Adduction And Abduction In Plank Position Lateral Raise With Barbell Leg Extension, Seated Swimming Frog Glute Bridge On Exercise Ball Oblique Crunch On Exercise Ball Biceps-Curl To Shoulder Press With EZ Bar Leg Curl With Partner Exercise Ball Squeeze Snap-up Row With Towel, Standing Leg Press With Partner Inverted Table Row Straight Arm Plank Around The World Alphabet / ABC With Medicine Ball Pike On Exercise Ball Triceps Extension With Towel And Partner Bent Arm Pullover With Barbell Ball Twister With Partner Decline Bench Press Reverse Snow Angel Dips With Chair Air Squat Dancing Crab Hindu Push-up / Dands Triceps Extension, Single-Arm, Side Lying Plank With Alternating Arm And Leg Raise Sliding Cobra Fire Feet Sliding Lat Pull Incline Wall Push-up Cuban Press Pelvic Tilt Uppercut With Dumbbells L-Fly With Dumbbells, Standing Push-up Skater Hops Bird Dog Sliding Mountain Climber Leg Raise, Standing Squat Jacks Lunge On Tiptoes Glute Bridge With Bent Leg Superman / Superwoman Crossover Pendulum Telle Curl Triceps Extension With Towel Bent Knee Leg Raise, Lying Mountain Climber Superman / Superwoman With Twist Step-up Isometric Concentration Curl Side Reach / Foot to Foot Crunch Heel to Toe Rocker In Squat Position Prone Leg Curl With Exercise Ball Triceps Kickback, Single-Arm Bench Press, Underhand Grip Row With Towel And Partner Wall Sit With Calf Raise Lat Pulldown Biceps-Curl With Towel, Seated Jumping Jacks Side Lunge Side Leg Raise, Lying Reverse Plank With Leg Raise Squat Thrust Glute Bridge With Straight Leg Squats With Partner Dips With Exercise Ball Reverse Crunch Windmill Door Frame Shoulder Press Oblique Crunch Leg Curl With Towel Russian Twist, Standing Leg Extension, Lying Frankenstein Walk Squat On Tiptoes Donkey Kick Clam-Shell Plank Mogul Jumps Tripod Jumping Ankle Taps Butt-Ups / Dolphin Raise Plank Extension With Exercise Ball Scaption And Shrugs With Dumbbells Side Plank With Adductor Press Russian Twist On Exercise Ball Isometric Leg Tuck Over And Under With Partner Sliding Side Lunge Jump Squat / Straddle Jump On Bench Diagonal Pole Move Lunge Split Jump Prone Raise / Scaption With Dumbbells Row And Hold With Towel Jackknife On Exercise Ball Thoracic Rotation Cross-Body Hammer Curl / Cross-Body Triceps Extension With Towel Bent Over Shoulder Press With Dumbbells, One-Legged Bench Press With Dumbbell, Single-Arm Lateral Bear Crawl Punches With Dumbbells Door Pull-up With Towel Side Double-Leg Raise, Lying Reverse Hyperextension On Table Jackknife Side Kick, Lying Leg Whip Bent Over Trunk Rotation Triceps Pull-Down With Towel Side Jumps Tuck Jump With Ball Door Frame Row Single-leg Circles External Rotation With Resistance Band Inner Biceps Curl Hollow Rock Low Windmill