Exercise Guide


Hand Extensors, Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Teres Muscles
Biceps, Hand Flexors, Lower Back, Deltoids
rating: Ø 4.50 through 10 votes
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required:Pull-up Bar
optional:Seat, Backpack
Variations available (5)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • with over hand grip you reach for the pull-up bar or door high bar wider than shoulder width
  • your thumbs point to each other
  • bend your knees
  • let your body hang down with almost fully stretched arms

Correct Execution

  • bend your arms and pull your body up
  • keep your back straight
  • if your arms are in a 90 degree angle, hold the position for a moment
  • slowly go back to the starting position
  • do not stretch your arms fully to avoid injuries in the joints
  • repeat the exercise several times dor an effective back workout

tip for the workout

  • use a filled backpack or something similar as an additional weight, if the exercise is too easy for you
  • if the exercise is too hard, put a chair below your feet to push yourself up a bit
Suggestions for this exercise?!

Related exercise lists:

Pull-up Bar, Lats, Neck, Forearms, Arms, Back