Exercise Guide

Alphabet / ABC With Medicine Ball

Pectoralis Major, Trapezius, Teres Muscles, Rectus Abdominis, Obliques
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required:Dumbbell / Kettlebell / Medicin Ball
type:Strength, Cardio
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd StepExecution - 3th Step
Execution - 4th Step
Starting Position (Alternative)Execution (Alternative) - 1nd Step
Execution (Alternative) - 2rd StepExecution (Alternative) - 3th Step
Execution (Alternative) - 4th Step

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • grasp your medicine ball with both hands (alternatively a dumbbell or a kettlebell)
  • stand upright, the feet are shoulder width apart for more stability
  • brace the abs, they will stabilize your body during the exercise
  • bring the weight in front of your chest with almost fully stretched arms

Correct Execution

  • draw a lying 8 into the air slowly, or draw the alphabet
  • if you choose the alphabet, try to come as far as possible
  • in general, this exercise takes a bit more time

tips for the workout

  • the bigger the letters or the eights, the more intensive the execution
  • if you have a BOSU balance trainer, you can stand on it to train the core
Suggestions for this exercise?!

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