Exercise Guide

Triceps Kickback, Single-Arm

rating: Ø 3.67 through 3 votes
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required:Dumbbell / Kettlebell
Variations available (2)
Starting PositionExecution

Starting Position

  • take a dumbbell or kettlebell with one hand
  • position the feet hip width apart, make one step with one foot
  • the rear leg is on the same side like the weight
  • the knees are bent a bit for more stability
  • bend the upper body forward, the back is upright, and hold yourself up with the free hand
  • the arm which is about to be trained is parallel to the ground and close to the torso
  • the forearm is hanging down

Correct Execution

  • hold upper arm and body stable and stretch out the arm almost completely, the thumb points to the floor
  • to impede this fitness exercise, pause in the final position shortly
  • come back to the starting position and go over to the next rep
  • switch sides and execute the triceps exercise with the same number of reps
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Triceps Training With Dumbbells, Strength Training With Dumbbells, Barbell And Kettlebell, Free Weights, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Triceps