* Stretching exercises are not included in this list!
Selection: Isometrics

Muscle-Building Exercise Library

L-Seat Glute Bridge With Adductor Press Push-up Hold With Towel Side Plank With Rotation Side Star Plank Shoulder Hold With Towel Tuck Hold Row With Towel, Seated Reverse Plank Between Two Chairs Wall Sit Kneeling On Exercise Ball Plank Superman / Superwoman Batwing Row Maltese Plank Isometric Chest Squeeze Isometric Hip Flexion Renegade Row With Towel Push And Pull With Towel Reverse Plank Prone Cobra
Straight Arm Plank Thigh Press, Seated Shoulder Blade Squeeze Thigh Pull, Seated Side Plank Quadriceps Press Exercise Ball Squeeze Row With Towel, Standing Triceps Extension With Towel Isometric Concentration Curl Lat Pulldown Biceps-Curl With Towel, Seated Door Frame Shoulder Press Leg Curl With Towel Side Plank With Adductor Press Isometric Leg Tuck Row And Hold With Towel Side Double-Leg Raise, Lying Triceps Pull-Down With Towel