* Stretching exercises are not included in this list!
Selection: Trapezius

Muscle-Building Exercise Library

Bent Over Row With Barbell, Underhand Grip Thruster With Barbell Bent Over Row With Barbell, Overhand Grip Horizontal Fly Inverted Row Between Chairs Bent Over Row With Dumbbells Overhead Band Pull Apart Farmer’s Walk Bent Over Row With Core Twist And Dumbbell, Single-Arm Incline Bench Row Kayaking Shrugs With Barbell Upright Row Shrug With Dumbbells Reverse Fly, Kneeling Reverse Fly On Incline Bench Thruster With Dumbbells Door Pull-up Upright Row With Dumbbells Chin-up Snatch With Dumbbell
Row With Dumbbell, Leaning Inverted Row With Partner Pull-up Iron Cross / Kettlebell Crucifix Lat Pulldown With Towel Bent Over Balance Row, Double-Handed Row On Exercise Ball With Dumbbells Bent Over Shrug Halo / Around The World With Kettlebell Inverted Table Row With Broomstick, Overhand Grip Chin-up With Towel High Pulls Batwing Row Bent Over Balance Row With Support, Single-Arm Skier Swings Shoulder Blade Squeeze Inverted Table Row Reverse Snow Angel Scaption And Shrugs With Dumbbells Prone Raise / Scaption With Dumbbells Door Pull-up With Towel