User Workout Routine
Chest and Arms - Minimun Equipment

descriptionCustomized routine for home excercise, for the few excercises that need dumbells you can use rocks (river rocks works very well)
authorFernando Quant
last changeFri, 23rd of January 2015 at 06:16am


ExerciseSetsDuration per set
Push-up On Knees312 rep.
30 s
Decline Push-up312 rep.
30 s
Scorpion Push-up310 rep.
30 s
Shoulder Tap Push-up310 rep.
Rest (Each hand works a 10 rep basis)11 rep.
2 min
Wrist Rotation310 rep.
30 s
Wrist Curl With Dumbbells, Overhand Grip, Seated310 rep.
30 s
Thigh Pull, Seated310 rep.
30 s
Reverse Plank Between Two Chairs310 rep.
30 s
Dips Between Two Chairs310 rep.
Biceps-curl with towel310 rep.
(Regard the upper and lower case)
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