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Curl And Press

through 12 votes
muscles:BicepsMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle
auxiliary muscles:TricepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle, Pectoralis MajorMuscle, Serratus AnteriorMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle
required:Dumbbells (2)
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (23)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • grasp a dumbbell with each hand, hold them next to your hip with almost fully stretched arms
  • the palms of the hands point to the body
  • the back is straight, hold the arms close to the body
  • the legs are slightly bent and shoulder width open

Correct Execution

  • bend the arms and bring the weights up without momentum, rotate the forearms, stop in shoulder-height
  • the palms of the hands point to the shoulders now
  • the upper arms stay close to the torso
  • turn the forearms back again, the backs of the hands point to the body then
  • at the same time, stretch the arms almost fully and push the weights above your head
  • do not let the dumbbells clash into each other to keep the tension
  • avoid arching your back and swinging with your body
  • bring the arms back down the other way round
  • repeat execution several times for an effective strength workout