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Rotating Bicep Curl

through 8 votes
muscles:BicepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle, Hand ExtensorsMuscle
required:Dumbbell or Dumbbells (2)
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (23)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd StepExecution - 3th Step

General And Specifics

  • train your forearms and biceps very effectively with this exercise

Starting Position

  • grasp two dumbbells with neutral grip (palms point to the thighs)
  • the arms hang down at the sides of your body
  • your posture is upright
  • the feet are hip width apart

Correct Execution

  • now bend both arms until the forearms are parallel to the floor
  • turn the wrists outwards (the palms point up now)
  • go on with the curling motion by bending the arms more and bringing the hands in front of your shoulders
  • afterwards, invert the movement, stop for a moment when your arms are in a 90 degree angle and turn back the wrists
  • guide the weights back to the starting position, your arms are slightly bent in the final position
  • go on to the next rep