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Front Squat With Barbell

through 7 votes
muscles:QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Lower BackMuscle, AdductorsMuscle
required:Barbell or EZ Bar
optional:Squat Rack / Squat Stand
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (31)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

  • in comparison to the squat with barbell on the upper back, this exercise takes more pressure from the knee joints and the back
  • nevertheless the muscles are required the same way
  • if you want to use more weight, use a squat rack

Starting Position

  • grasp a barbell with both hands and place it above the clavicle on your front shoulders
  • push your chest out
  • your shoulders hold the weight
  • you can fix the barbell with the clean grip (the elbows point forwards) or with the arms crossed across the chest
  • your feet are a little wider than shoulder width apart and slightly rotated to the outside (20-30 degrees)
  • important: knees and tiptoes always point into the same direction

Correct Execution

  • brace your body
  • slowly bend your knees until your thighs touch the calves (lean back a little)
  • at the same time, your hip moves backwards a bit
  • hold the back straight
  • do not look down
  • your tiptoes are the farthest points from your body, do not let your feet move outwards
  • put pressure on your heels and bring your body back into the starting position